Is it really that easy to get your IRS Penalties reduced or eliminated as some advertisements claim? In a previous blog I discussed the reasons why the Internal Revenue Service charges penalties to taxpayers.
Some penalties such Failure to File, Failure to Pay, and Failure to Deposit can be abated under some circumstances. However to qualify for abatement, taxpayers must meet some specific criteria including not being penalized in the prior 3 years. Marcelino Dodge, Enrolled Agent is well versed in this process and can help you to get these penalties abated if you qualify.
If a taxpayer does not qualify for the penalty abatement discussed above, then you may need to use the IRS appeals process. In this all the penalties can be appealed and used in the negotiation progress with the possibility of abatement during this negotiation time, which may include the filing of an offer-in-compromise. I recommend that taxpayers do not try to navigate these waters on their own. The recommendation is to find an Enrolled Agent or CPA that works in tax resolution to guide you through this process.
Marcelino Dodge, EA
525 N Cascade Ave
Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 359-8789
(Call for an appointment)
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