Monday, January 16, 2023

Colorado Springs: What are the Types of Offers-in-Compromise?


You owe back taxes, you have a stack of IRS notices in that special drawer, and the IRS has just levied your bank account.  What can you do?  You heard about this thing called an offer-in-compromise.  What is an offer-in-compromise?  Can I really get one?  What type of an offer can I make?  The offer-in-compromise program is authorized by Internal Revenue Code Section 7122.  The IRS is authorized to establish guidelines for when an offer-in-compromise (OIC) should be accepted
Step one:  Find a qualified tax professional such as an enrolled agent who will do a proper analysis to see if you even qualify to do an offer-in-compromise.
Step two: If you do qualify to submit and offer-in-compromise, what type offer can you make?  Based on your facts and circumstances you may qualify for one of the following:
  • Doubt as to Liability
  • Doubt as to Collectability
  • Effective Tax Administration
Only after a personalized, thorough analysis will a tax professional competently make a recommendation as to what fits your best and is most likely to be successful.

525 N.Cascade Ave., Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 359-8789

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