Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Colorado Springs: Important Question: What is Reasonable Cause?

In the Internal Revenue Manual it states that penalties can be abated for reasonable cause?  What is reasonable cause?  Sadly, what a taxpayer thinks is reasonable cause is not considered reasonable cause by the Internal Revenue Service.  Many times when requesting penalty abatement a taxpayer has to go to appeals.

Marcelino Dodge, Enrolled Agent, can help in the request for abatement of penalties.  Many times the penalty is just an honest mistake on the part of the taxpayer.  Other times a detailed explanation may be needed to explain the reasons why the taxpayer qualifies penalty abatement.  Other considerations are 1) Has the taxpayer had this issue before and 2) What is the taxpayer's history of compliance?

There are other factors that can also affect taxpayer's claim of reasonable cause for penalty abatement.  To have the best chance for penalty abatement, maintain a good history of compliance.

525 N Cascade Ave., Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 359-8789    

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